Is Gigadat secure?

Yes, Gigadat uses industry-standard encryption and security measures to protect your personal and financial information.

How long does it take for funds to be transferred using Gigadat?

Gigadat transfers are typically completed within a few minutes, although the exact time can vary depending on your bank and the merchant you are transacting with.

Is there a fee to use Gigadat?

There may be fees associated with using Gigadat, depending on the merchant you are transacting with. However, Gigadat does not charge any fees to consumers for using their service.

Is there a limit on how much I can transfer using Gigadat?

Yes, there are limits on the amount you can transfer using Gigadat, which can vary depending on the bank and the merchant you are transacting with.

How do I get started with Gigadat?

To use Gigadat, you must first register with the service and link your bank account. This can typically be done through the merchant or online casino you wish to transact with.